Jan L Bowen

Marguerite Manning: Karmic Astrology to Uncover Your Purpose

Intro:  Marguerite Manning is a professional astrologer and bestselling author whose groundbreaking work in karmic astrology has helped thousands worldwide live up to their purpose in life by uncovering their soul’s past in their birth chart.

Her own personal journey of spiritual discovery began in 1994 when after developing a new astrological formula that validated the soul’s history in the birth chart, she started using it to guide her clients to their earthly purpose in the present. With results that were just too remarkable to ignore, a brand-new belief system became impossible to avoid and her lifelong fascination for the stars above was immediately enhanced by a life changing passion for the spirit within. 

Beginning with her first article in 1995 for The Mountain Astrologer, “The 12th House: Your Karmic Closet”, she’s continued to write several bestselling books, with more on the way. Her book titles include: Cosmic Karma, Sign Language, and Juno — Your Karmic Match Made in Heaven

With her attention now focused on teaching others how to unlock the most pivotal karmic secrets in their own birth chart, Marguerite released her first karmic astrology workbook course, “Unlocking Your 12th House”. Like her other releases, it received wide acclaim and excellent reviews. 

In addition to writing, Marguerite has a long running successful radio show, Therapy for the Soul, in which she discusses and shares many of these topics.  Now on hiatus, soon to be aired again.

I’m eager to share Marguerite’s wisdom and knowledge with you! Enjoy one more special life of purpose! 



Cosmic Karma
Sign Language
Juno — Your Karmic Match Made in Heaven
Unlocking Your 12th House (workbook) 

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