Jan L Bowen

Intuition Quiz



Don't pretend you don't know what you know. Are you tuning in to your inner wisdom?

Are you intuitive? Take The Intuition Quiz to discover just how intuitive you are. Answer quickly and instinctively for the most accurate results.

(Attention: schools and other organizations, if you would like your entire group to complete the Quiz, please contact me first)

This quiz isn’t meant to reveal your psychic powers – only you can do that.  Instead, it asks questions of your current life that will reveal what you might be ignoring and that indicate just how intuitive you are! 

Don’t worry about answering them correctly. Respond instinctively, and the Quiz answer in this  should take about 5 – 7 minutes to complete.

Have fun! There are no wrong answers. 

In joyful purpose,


Explore additional resources for your inner wisdom with these resources

How to Hear What You Know

A course on developing your intuition to practically guide you through life.

6 Simple Ways to Hear What Your Inner Voice Is Telling You

You've got the wisdom. Here's how to unlock it.

Inspirational Quote Deck

We all need to rely on wise words to uplift us. Here's a deck of inspiration!
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