A Course on Developing Your Intuition to Practically Guide You Through Life
A Course on Developing Your Intuition to Practically Guide You Through Life

How To
This course is an invitation and an encouragement for you to form a personal relationship with your intuition. It is a step by step module-based course on learning how to trust the voice that is already within you, learn how to develop it, and how to apply it in practical ways in your life. As you develop your intuition you will find it is a tool to guide you through life while it, at the same time, reveals aspects of yourself you may not have accessed in any other way.

How To
This course is an invitation and an encouragement for you to form a personal relationship with your intuition. It is a step by step module-based course on learning how to trust the voice that is already within you, learn how to develop it, and how to apply it in practical ways in your life. As you develop your intuition you will find it is a tool to guide you through life while it, at the same time, reveals aspects of yourself you may not have accessed in any other way.
What intuition is and invite you to define it on your own terms:
- How intuition works in your life
- What intuition can do FOR you
- How intuition works in your body
- How to recognize intuitive states
- How to distinguish intuition from thoughts and emotions
- Ten course videos
- Worksheets
- Inspirational and interactive exercises
- An exclusive community for on-going intuitive development: “The Intuitive Path”
- Lifetime access to lessons
- … and so much more!
The lessons, available for you to access permanently, are a combination of video and multimedia, with interactive exercises. The subject modules include:
- What is intuition and where does it come from?
- Understanding intuition rationally
- What can intuition do for me?
- How to develop intuition via my 3-step process
- Ways intuition can be heard
- Additional tools for developing intuition
- Blocks to hearing your inner voice
- Living an intuitive life
- Summary and a glimpse ahead
- Resource shelf
- Bonuses
- Glossary
- Next steps: exclusive community for graduates
- a better understanding of the phenomenon of intuition
- explored your personal need for intuition in your life
- learned to trust your inner wisdom
- the ability to live with confidence
- increased self-trust and esteem
- listened to the messages it has for you
- developed a process to strengthen hearing what you already know
- experienced a greater ease with life
- moved away from a sense that life is difficult and towards an understanding that every moment holds an opportunity for you
- increased the state of your 5 senses
- started feeling more automatically
- more quickly recognize signals
- a clearer distinction between what you hear
- more clarity
- the ability to build better relationships
- a stronger sense of your purpose in life, or direction
- greater calm
- the ability to clear mental debris
- know how to more confidently make decisions
- the ability to tune into your body’s way of speaking to you
- ….. and so much more

The Story
I’ve spent my entire life living intuitively — some of those years more adeptly than others. I’m now entering my sixth decade of following my intuition and while I trust it still has more to teach me, I have learned how to navigate every day of my life by listening to it.
And while I can say with total sincerity I have nothing but gratitude for every day of my life, it hasn’t been a road without challenges. No life is. But throughout high drama, extreme grief, terror and all shades in between, I did navigate with intuition. I can tell you that it makes all the difference.
When I allowed it to show me the way through life, everything became less difficult, less painful, and less stressful. I was able to calm down and focus on the aspects of life that allowed me to grow and become a better person as well as to accomplish the things in life I chose to.
I have always heard the voice and knew I had a deeply intuitive side even before I had the words to understand what that meant. But that didn’t always fit with the high achieving business world I worked in, loved, and for which I was so well rewarded.
Little signs crept into the linear world in the form of uncontrollable tears (horror in corporate life!), anxiety, etc., yet I was so GOOD at what I did. I loved it! I knew — intuitively — the answer wasn’t choosing one path or the other. The answer is in integrating the two.
And that’s what I’ve done. I find that the world IS integrated. It is we who splinter it and make it difficult, often with the language we use. We are each here to live our purpose and our intuition is here to help us. I understand that personally, intellectually, and spiritually because I’ve made it my mission to do that in order to help me show others how to live an easier life.
That is why I am teaching this course: I know how to trust that voice within through ALL times, how to develop it, and how to use it in practical ways as well as profound ways. You don’t need to have all the answers. You just need to open to the possibilities that YOUR intuition is waiting to have you hear. Let me help you make life easier! Sign up to be the first to know when the course launches this spring on Daily Om.

Not interested in taking the course? My book covers the material in a different way. You can always learn to hear what you already know and develop your intuition to practically guide you through life.