When you have a long list of tasks to accomplish, do you always buckle down and get them done before allowing yourself a moment to relax and/or enjoy anything else? If so … stop doing that! Without moments of joy, life becomes oppressive and difficult … and rather pointless. With joy, life is simply more pleasurable. You get along with others easier, you feel more…
He needs to GO! When was the last time you felt overcome by joy when you looked at your man across the dinner table? Never? … Instead, do you feel a subtle sense of anxiety when you look at him? Then you’re in a toxic relationship. Toxic men hurt the people around them. And whether that hurt is intentional or…
It only works if it’s honest. The holidays are upon us and everywhere you turn someone’s going on and on about “gratitude!” And why not, right? There are so many reasons to feel grateful and joyful … reasons, both large and small — we live in a free country, food is easily accessible, beauty surrounds us, etc. But maybe you’re…
Syndicated on Yahoo, November 15, 2015 Have you ever noticed that kind people are also incredibly content in their life? That’s because being kind literally increases our levels of health and happiness. Research shows this impacts our relationships positively, as well. Kindness helps keeps couples together. The more your partner is on the receiving end of your goodwill, the more…