The world is frequently in turmoil. Current events often seem more like a cautionary movie than real life. Hate crimes, riots, rhetoric. Turning off the media isn’t a solution to ending the upheaval. The events don’t end. Their impact on the world and individuals has already occurred.
But staying in pain isn’t useful. It doesn’t help the world and it doesn’t help you. It certainly doesn’t change the situation.
While it certainly can feel like the world is filled with hate, checking in with reality will reassure that there remains endless love and support. You can find it in aid workers, in the neighbors bringing comfort, and in the stranger across the world praying. Begin by taking comfort there, gaining strength, and begin to help yourself.
One person can change the world
What difference can you individually make? A lot — you can change the world.
When we transform ourself we alter the world. Energy can change form but it cannot be destroyed.
We change the world via the laws of physics, disrupting everything in our path. Through the phenomena of and effect alternately referred to as ripple, domino, and butterfly, when we make one change, we impact everything in our path and in the path of those whom we’ve touched — animate and inanimate objects alike. The effect is known as part of “chaos theory” in science. There can be a lot of beauty and power in that chaos.
How to know what to do
It can still be hard to find daily motivation, much less optimism, even when you believe you can change things and want to get beyond your personal suffering after empathically watching events. With so much help needed in the world, where do you start to know what to do?
- Start by knowing exactly how you feel and why
Our bodies and emotions are signposts for us, signaling our truths. They provide us all the intelligence we need. Tune in to yours to understand your personal code. We each understand ours slightly differently.
- Know your truth — what do you stand for?
At times of turmoil, rhetoric is thrown around freely. When you are crystal clear on your values, you can easily discern how to act. You can more quickly and articulately respond to comments and ignore others. Your core values are the truth that keeps you solid when it seems that nothing else is.
- Accept we all have bias, judgment, and prejudice. Own yours.
We may not want to have judgment and bias but we can’t completely overcome them. They’re deeply ingrained despite all efforts to eradicate them. We can, however, become aware of them and not give in to them. We can rise above them to conscious, intentional action.
Once we accept ours it’s easier to accept that everyone has them and perhaps even feel some human compassion for this.
- Consider what feeds your highest nature
What makes you feel the most inspired at the worst of times? Pay attention to what it is and do more of that.
For most people, it’s focusing on positive input rather than negative. Limiting or avoiding the rants and outrage in social groups and media and increasing the deliberate heart-to-heart conversations. Understanding is found through connection. Although you may find like minds during outrage and ranting, ask whether it fuels you to take positive action onward or whether you feel depleted and no longer as inspired to act. (Going back to the first point and checking in with your emotions and body can be helpful here.)
Now act
It’s time to remember your gift to the world — and use it. If you already are, ask yourself who else could benefit from your gift or where else might you feel called?
Living a life of purpose — your life — has never been more important. The specific purpose that you have doesn’t matter as much as the fact that you live it. Use it to serve and to speak your truth in whatever way is authentic to you. (Not sure what your purpose is? Download this free book to help you uncover yours.)
If you are a speaker, use your engagements to educate the world as you speak. If you’re a parent, show your children the values you believe. If you’re an artist, express through your creations. Live fully but choose to act in whatever way you can.
When pain surrounds us it can be tempting to shut down but don’t give in. If you do give in, just rest there momentarily. Then rise up and speak your truth as you know it.
Having all of our abilities, experiences, and wonders aren’t enough. We need to use them. How do you best serve others? Know how to use your gift and then give it generously. You will be helping heal the hate. You will be changing the world.
My vision is a world of individuals connected through living their purpose. Can you imagine it — the strength, beauty, and power? I can. Please join me. Let’s do this.
If you’d like support in your personal journey, let’s connect. Maybe I can help.