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well-liked women

4 Traits Well-Liked Women Have That Make People Just ADORE Them!

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You just WANT to be around them. Ever notice how some women have a charisma that draws others to them? Everything they do is attractive and everyone simply adores them? What's their secret? Whether these women 'wow' people intentionally or not, there are definite similarities in their everyday behaviors. After seeing this list, it's pretty easy to see why they're so hard to resist! 1. They're just ...  real! ...
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authentic voice, rabbit

Find Your Voice — Within

By Private MusingsNo Comments
When you have extremely original ideas, do you sometimes find it difficult to find support -- even from your most loyal friends? Do they leave you on the sidelines at times, rather than cheer you on when you speak up with your authentic voice? To find answers and strength, when our friends are missing -- go within. We sometimes look...
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house cleaning with happiness

7 Reasons Cleaning My House Makes Me Insanely Happy (Yes, Seriously)

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Is it crazy to say this? — I enjoy cleaning my own home. My definition of "cleaning" includes tidying, organizing, and general "puttering." To me, it's no mystery why Marie Kondo’s book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing, has been such a phenomenal success, with her master class Spark Joy and Journal following. Statistics show that American women spend over...
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A couple showing each other kindness.

7 Things Kind People Do That Make Us Adore Them

By Published Articles, Syndicated ArticlesNo Comments

Syndicated on Yahoo, November 15, 2015 Have you ever noticed that kind people are also incredibly content in their life? That’s because being kind literally increases our levels of health and happiness. Research shows this impacts our relationships positively, as well. Kindness helps keeps couples together. The more your partner is on the receiving end of your goodwill, the more…

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Surfer using balance to stand on his surfboard.

Navigating Gender Inequality

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What is gender inequality? The concept, details, and overall objective of gender inequality can be confusing with various programs and studies available. It’s time to review just what gender inequality is, what programs are doing to solve it, and if they are on track. First, the facts “Gender inequality” or “parity” is often a reference to discrimination against women in the...
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qualities of a good friend article cover

Qualities of a Good Friend

By Private MusingsNo Comments
Do you ever meet someone likeable and wonder "but would they make a good friend?" When we go through life with an open heart, it’s easy to accept people into our world, and to include them as our friends.  As the world gets more complex, my tendency is to open my heart more to engage in the straightforward acts that...
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