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life lessons

Revealing the gift within our shadow header with kid standing on the sand and he shadow on the ground.

Revealing the Gift Within Our Shadow

By Private MusingsNo Comments
Wherever there is light, there is shadow. While the beneficial aspects of light that allow us to see are immediately obvious, we sometimes have to probe to discover the gifts within the shadows — both literally and figuratively. The celebrated Swiss psychiatrist, Carl Jung, created the term that describes both the aspects of human nature that are hidden from us...
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6 ways to increase growth and potential article cover

6 Ways to Increase Growth and Potential

By Private MusingsNo Comments
A new year -- time for fresh potential. Time for new beginnings, resolutions, decisions, lists. So many options can feel overwhelming, confusing, or discouraging -- the antithesis of motivation.  Yet, January is a tremendous opportunity for assessing our alignment, charting our route to happiness, and determining our goals. There are few times automatically built in to our natural year and...
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Living your passion and purpose Header image

The Difference Between Passion and Purpose

By Private MusingsNo Comments
Passion, purpose and the path between — what’s the real secret to living a fulfilled life? Do all the questions you hear about purpose and passion lead you farther away from a resolution? Themes and opinions on the topic vary, leaving speculation to whether they're the same thing and if they last a lifetime.  Do you even really have to...
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Living an Intuitive life article cover

Living an Intuitive Life

By Private MusingsNo Comments
What does it mean to live an intuitive life? Very simply, it means allowing your intuition to guide you through life. It doesn't guarantee a simple life, or a perfect life, or all your dreams-come-true. But it does bring peace of mind, fulfillment, deep joy, freedom from anxiety, and a conviction of purpose. And those are qualities we all say...
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