How do you turn a day from ordinary into extraordinary, or transform a perfectly acceptable situation into a memorable occasion? The key to infusing your life with more transformative moments, bringing in greater levels of unadulterated delight, and experiencing pure bliss is as simple as infusing more of yourself into the day. We all have unique characteristics and talents that make…
The more information we are exposed to, or the more years of it we accumulate, the greater risk a fatigue factor will set in. Soon, we no longer register what was formerly important to us. That can happen with New Year’s. Every year we are hit with myriad messages of how to be a better person. All these messages can be…
It only works if it’s honest. The holidays are upon us and everywhere you turn someone’s going on and on about “gratitude!” And why not, right? There are so many reasons to feel grateful and joyful … reasons, both large and small — we live in a free country, food is easily accessible, beauty surrounds us, etc. But maybe you’re…