Stop avoiding your finances! You’d be surprised what they can teach you. If you’ve avoided the topic of money in your life, there are compelling reasons to change your approach. Money is a reflection of ourselves on both a superficial and deep level. It expresses who we are through our appearance and reveals our thoughts, behaviors, and choices on a…
If you’ve avoided the topic of money in your life, there are compelling reasons to change your approach. Money is a reflection of ourself at both a superficial and deep level. It expresses who we are through our appearance and reveals our thoughts, behaviors, and choices on a daily basis. Even when we think we are avoiding finances, the situations…
Entwined Lifestyle: Joined in Purpose Jan and Jillian Yuhas are identical twins with a Relationship and Lifestyle coaching business, Entwined Lifestyle. Highly skilled, with credentials as life coaches and as Marriage and Family Therapists (MFTs), they are also conflict resolution mediators, and experts in body language and micro-expressions. They combine their credentials with their experience, abilities and twin-ship to help…
Emmitt Muckles: A Man with a Message Beginning from Detroit’s east side neighborhoods, Emmitt Muckles is now a successful business man, corporate trainer at Fronius, podcaster, author, and speaker. The journey from Detroit led to creating The Billionaire Lifestyle, offering information and inspiration extending beyond the monetary. Listen in to hear more about his path from Detroit to abundance and …
After many decades of actively developing my intuition, it still astounds me. I am repeatedly amazed by how omnipresent it is in the world — how completely universal and accessible to everyone — and how many options we have in which to take advantage of its wisdom. And by how amazing our body’s wisdom is. As the physical home in…
Recently, I had an opportunity to be with Charla Miller at her home in Boise, Idaho and catch up with her since we first spoke in over six months ago. Watch our conversation and listen to what’s happened since her book, Wonder and Beauty: My Journey from Heartbreak to Healing through the Wonder of Horses, was published. Since then she’s…
Charla Miller: Wonder & Beauty What creates a life of purpose? Wonder, beauty, equine therapy? Listen how wonder and beauty combine in Charla Miller’s work in her business, Beauty Heals You. The author of Wonder and Beauty: My Journey from Heartbreak to Healing through the Wonder of Horses, also shares how she first encountered them on her healing process. A…
Let go of being powerful all the time to embrace your life purpose. Leave room for wonder, beauty, and the spaces in between. The Powerful Life Purpose Are you on a relentless, full speed productivity schedule? Do you love being organized, too? The sense of accomplishment that results from attaining your goals not only makes you feel good it keeps…