with special guest Sheri Perbeck Ready for some lightness in life? How about opening up to a little magic? Sheri Perbeck. angel communicator, psychic, and medium is back to share information with us about the faery realm. And before you dismiss this as silly, consider that “faery” is an old French word that means “supernatural being”. Listen in to learn…

We’ve all done it. We speak quickly or carelessly and before we realize it, our words have hurt someone. And unfortunately, once harsh words are spoken — or written — they can’t be taken back. Sometimes, if we regret what we’ve said, we apologize. But a thoughtless apology can be worse than none by failing to honor your experience, and…

Gratitude has infused modern culture. We don’t have to look far to find references to Gratitude Journals or Gratitude Lists. Our language, always a sign of our current and recent culture, is full of references to gratitude. “Thank your lucky stars”, “thank goodness …”, etc. Gratitude seeps into our consciousness in various ways. While all of these actions are fabulous…
A Conversation with Angelique l’Amour: Lifting Others Up through Words and Actions Angelique L’Amour is the daughter of author Louis L’Amour, and like her father, she is a prolific writer dedicated to her craft. She wrote her first piece at age 4. Along her writing journey, she made a successful detour in the film industry, acting on film and…
Dr. Carmen Landrau: Saving Lives via Medicine and Beyond Intro: Dr. Carmen Landrau is a board-certified physician specializing as a cardiologist. She is also a prominent professional speaker, using her experience, knowledge, and inner commitment to empower women. In both fields she is making a difference saving lives. In her medical practice she literally saves lives, working with a…
Joshua Ogaldez: Speaking His Calling Joshua Ogaldez is a spiritual teacher, hosting a podcast with the name of “Intersection of Success & Spirituality”, hosting prominent names since its inception, including Michele Cushatt (co-host of This is Your Life podcast with Michael Hyatt), Kim Niemi (the former Vice President of NBC) and Rabbi Laura Geller (Rabbi Emerita of Temple Emmanuel in Beverly…

A couple years ago I wrote an article on why cleaning made me happy. It’s still true and you can read those reasons below. What I’ve recently discovered in addition, though, is that cleaning our home also fosters empathy. So while doing routine cleaning, we are not only improving our home, we are becoming better people — happy and empathetic!…
Entwined Lifestyle: Joined in Purpose Jan and Jillian Yuhas are identical twins with a Relationship and Lifestyle coaching business, Entwined Lifestyle. Highly skilled, with credentials as life coaches and as Marriage and Family Therapists (MFTs), they are also conflict resolution mediators, and experts in body language and micro-expressions. They combine their credentials with their experience, abilities and twin-ship to help…

It only works if it’s honest. The holidays are upon us and everywhere you turn someone’s going on and on about “gratitude!” And why not, right? There are so many reasons to feel grateful and joyful … reasons, both large and small — we live in a free country, food is easily accessible, beauty surrounds us, etc. But maybe you’re…