It’s a new world. How many times have we heard that phrase? And how many times has it had a different meaning? It’s just one example of the power of words and context. It’s another example of the power we have to take control of emotion and ourselves. We may not have control over world events that include a virus…
In this flipped around interview, Jan is the guest on her own podcast where she and Jess Tholmer discuss everything from books to childhood, and above all else, what living a life of purpose really means. Jan L. Bowen is a certified life and executive coach, thought leader, author, writer, animal-lover, dancer, and dear friend to many. Though she has…
Emmitt Muckles: A Man with a Message Beginning from Detroit’s east side neighborhoods, Emmitt Muckles is now a successful business man, corporate trainer at Fronius, podcaster, author, and speaker. The journey from Detroit led to creating The Billionaire Lifestyle, offering information and inspiration extending beyond the monetary. Listen in to hear more about his path from Detroit to abundance and …
After many decades of actively developing my intuition, it still astounds me. I am repeatedly amazed by how omnipresent it is in the world — how completely universal and accessible to everyone — and how many options we have in which to take advantage of its wisdom. And by how amazing our body’s wisdom is. As the physical home in…
Ben Gioia: Leading With Heart What does it take to live with heart — to influence and lead authentically? Listen in on a conversation with Ben Gioia (“Joy – a”) who makes a massive impact in the world being a speaker, author, and coach. Ben shows others how to create greater income, influence, & impact in business and life by…
The world is frequently in turmoil. Current events often seem more like a cautionary movie than real life. Hate crimes, riots, rhetoric. Turning off the media isn’t a solution to ending the upheaval. The events don’t end. Their impact on the world and individuals has already occurred. But staying in pain isn’t useful. It doesn’t help the world and it…
How have you been feeling lately? Regardless of where you live and work, events in our world impact us all. For as much good as there is in the world, we are also experiencing massive amounts of pain. Unless you’ve been someplace that has kept you completely isolated, chances are you’ve heard of at least one current world event that…