Jan L Bowen

How to Erase Fear and Tap into Connection

Erase Fear and Tap into Connection

How to Erase Fear and Tap into Connection

It’s a new world.

How many times have we heard that phrase? And how many times has it had a different meaning?

It’s just one example of the power of words and context.  It’s another example of the power we have to take control of emotion and ourselves.

We may not have control over world events that include a virus challenging our scientific, medical, and political communities. We may not have control over how individuals in those communities respond.

But we do have power over our response. And our personal power is never insignificant, no matter how small our action.

The irony

Since the coronavirus began, the irony of it is overwhelming. At a time when global society is in dire need of connection, a virus — unseen by human eyes — is keeping us physically distanced from each other. The comfort many seek at times of crises in community, faith, social gatherings, communal food, etc., is also on lockdown. 

Isolation at time of global depression and anxiety obviously won’t be the answer to bring us closer. But fear can paralyze us.

What are we so afraid of?

Even if we don’t fear for our mortal life, the eradication of daily freedom raises fear that threatens our basic identity.

We create our external identity — our “brand” — by what we wear, how we style ourselves, who we associate with, where we go, what we eat, etc. When we can no longer travel, shop, dine, or visit the places we were once free to adopt as our unique routine, we fear we have lost pieces of ourselves.

In some cases, we may fear we have lost our entirety if we don’t have a solid core within the exterior. How do we get past the fear?

Go within. Simplify. Clarify

When mandated to isolate, our choices are limited. We simplify the options and the answers can often get clearer.

Before we can offer much value to others in any of our relationships, we need to measure up to something of value ourselves. This global situation is our grand opportunity to go within.

Perhaps collectively we resisted opportunities to develop our inner qualities in lieu of “group think” via social media previously. Maybe it was easier to gather with friends and take their advice before considering what was best for ourself.

Whatever may have happened in the past is somewhat irrelevant now. We have a new slate to use time — and technology — in a different way.

What brings connection?

How do we connect with each other, despite physical distance and sometimes a bit of discord or even anarchy? How can we find that common ground and reach a mutual point of connection?

We find it through a shared value. It’s that simple.

Perhaps it’s the value of respect, or kindness, or family. It could be well-being, creativity, or lifelong learning. There are countless values we all have. 

We discover the values we share through conversation. Ask a question. Be willing to have a dialogue.

The only requirement is willingness to stay open and hear what the other person is saying, without projecting what we want to hear.

The gift

We have time. What will we do with it?

Despite the raging speed of a virus, does the phrase “I’m too busy” have the same impact it did 30 days ago? With the exception of medical professionals and related fields, it would be hard to say that it does. 

We have time to go within and learn what and who we truly are. What a gift that is. While we are still here, to acknowledge that we have been given this life!

As we learn who we are, we have time to be our truest self — our best self — without the excuse of being “too busy”. We can bring back the quality of being thoughtful and reaching out to friends.

We can use this time to create. It’s time to become more of our full identity. To develop into more of what our full human potential is. In essence, it’s time to grow up — to take full responsibility for ourself, each other, and the planet we live on. We now have the time to do this.

It is a new world. It’s up to each of us what it becomes. Let’s make it a healthy, thriving one.

If current changes in the world have caused you to re-examine your place in it and you’d like help, I offer coaching in life purpose, intuitive development, and leadership. Please contact me if you’re interested.

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